Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 11 East Fleet
Barnacle Goose - 7 in field behind Rodden Hive
Whooper Swan - 1 Langton Hive, 1 off Rodden Hive
Egyptian Goose - 2 over St. Catherine's Hill, Abbotsbury
Pintail - 60+ off Rodden Hive
Scaup - 1 1cy The Fleet, Abbotsbury
Common Scoter - 1 still Ferrybridge
Slavonian Grebe - 1 East Fleet
Avocet - c800 Poole Harbour, 100+ Holes Bay
Black-tailed Godwit - 1113 Holes Bay
Knot - 4 Holes Bay
Spoonbill - 30 Poole Harbour
Hen Harrier - 1 male out to sea from West Bay
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Short-eared Owl - 1 Crown Estate Fields, Portland Bill
Hooded Crow - 1 probable over Southwell
Dartford Warbler - 1 East Fleet
Black Redstart - 1 Chesil Cove, 1 Upwey
Brambling - 16 over Ballard Down
Lesser Redpoll - 9 over Ballard Down
Crossbill - 19 over Ballard Down
Snow Bunting - 1 north over Ballard Down
Yesterday: -
Red Kite - 4 over Hambledon Hill
White-tailed eagle - 2 over Hambledon Hill
Common Scoter, Ferrybridge © Phil Cheeseman
Snipe, Lodmoor RSPB © Andy Tew
Redwing, Pentridge Down © John Bishop