Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 2 on The Fleet
Pochard - 4 drakes Swineham GP
Velvet Scoter - 1 Juv still on South Lake, Longham Lakes
Goosander - 1 Holmebridge
Black-necked Grebe - 1 still on South Lake, Longham Lakes
Avocet - 4 Brands Bay
Golden Plover - 2 Brands Bay, 1 Portland Bill
Grey Plover - 4 Brands Bay
Ruff - 3 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Caspian Gull - 1 1st winter at South Marsh, Stanpit
Cattle Egret - 55 between Holmebridge & Wool
Red Kite - 21 over Gates Hill, on Dorchester to Sherborne Road, 2 Parkstone Area
White-tailed Eagle - 3 Poole Harbour
Kingfisher - 1 Brands Bay
Wryneck - 1 Kimmeridge
Bearded Tit - 2 Hatch Pond
Siberian Chiffchaff - 1 Littlesea Wood, The Fleet
Black Redstart - 3 South Side of Nothe Fort, 2 Swanage, 2 West Bay, 1 West Bexington
Hawfinch - 3 over Pentridge Down
Starling, Portland Bill © Graham Nash
Pallas's Warbler, The Hump, Portland © Phil Cheeseman
Goldfinch, Portland Bill @ Graham Nash |