Saturday 17th August 2024

Nightjar - 1 Stanpit in North Scrubs this morning
Grey Plover -3 Brand's Bay
Sanderling - 1 Stanpit
Whimbrel - 6 Brand's Bay, 2 Middlebere
Common Sandpiper - 3 Brownsea Lagoon, 2 Stanpit, 1 Brand's Bay
Wood Sandpiper - 1 flew past Middlebere
Spotted Redshank - 7 Middlebere, 1 Lytchett Bay
Greenshank - 14 Brownsea Lagoon, 3 Middlebere, 1 Brand's Bay
Sandwich Tern - 132 Stanpit
Arctic Tern - 1 juvenile at Stanpit
Spoonbill - 21 Brownsea Lagoon
Osprey - 6/7 Poole Harbour
Goshawk - 1 Middlebere
Red Kite - 2 Tarrant Rushton, 1 St Aldhelm's Head, 1 Wimborne
Grasshopper Warbler - 5 trapped and ringed at Lytchett Bay
Yellow Wagtail - 10 St Aldhelm's Head
Pied Flycatcher - 1 trapped and ringed at Lytchett Bay, 1 Arne RSPB near Lookout Hide
Redstart - 1 St Aldhelm's Head, 1 Hardy's Monument
Whinchat - 1 St Aldhelm's Head

Yesterday :
52 White Stork flew west over Puncknowle