Monday 26th August 2024

Goosander - 18 Silverlake.
Nightjar - 1 netted and ringed at Wareham (Carey).
Swift - 6 Longham Lakes, 1 Stanpit.
Greenshank - 21 Lytchett Fields.
Spotted Redshank - 2 Lytchett Fields.
Common Sandpiper - 2 Holes Bay, 2 Lodmoor.
Curlew Sandpiper - 1 Lodmoor.
Whimbrel - 8 Christchurch Harbour.
Great White Egret - 1 Lodmoor, 1 Silverlake.
Cattle Egret - 2 Stanpit, 1 Silverlake.
Spoonbill - 20 Brownsea Island.
Osprey - 3 Wareham Channel, 2 Lytchett Bay, 1-2 Christchurch Harbour, 2 Middlebere, 1 Brands Bay.
White-tailed Eagle - 1 Middlebere.
Marsh Harrier - 1 Lytchett Bay.
Hobby - 2 The Fleet (Herbury).
Tree Pipit - 10 Stanpit, 8 Wareham (Carey).
Yellow Wagtail - 22 Swineham, 8 Stanpit.
Spotted Flycatcher - 1 Silverlake, 1 Stanpit.
Whinchat - 1 Stanpit.
Wheatear - 6 Hartland, 2 Stanpit, 2 Lytchett Fields.
Grasshopper Warbler - 11 Wareham (Carey).

Whinchat, Stanpit © Scott Usher.