Cuckoo - 1 juv. Hyde Heath
Avocet - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Little Ringed Plover - 4 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Black-tailed Godwit - c500 Wareham Channel
Sanderling - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Common Sandpiper - 8 at mouth of River Frome, 7 Brownsea Lagoon, 4 Holes Bay, 3 Ferrybridge
Spotted Redshank - 5 at mouth of River Frome
Greenshank - 6 Lytchett Bay, 2 Brownsea Lagoon
Roseate Tern - 1 out from Poole Harbour mouth
Yellow-legged Gull - 3 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Spoonbill - 5 Arne RSPB
Osprey - 1 Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 over Charlton Down
Black-tailed Godwits, Lodmoor RSPB © John Pritchard
Greenshank, Lodmoor RSPB © Phil Cheeseman
Oystercatcher, Holes Bay © Tina Dawkins