Monday 29th July 2024

Avocet - 3 Brownsea Lagoon
Grey Plover - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Ringed Plover - 38 Ferrybridge
Little Ringed Plover - 3 Tidmoor, The Fleet
Whimbrel - 4 Brands Bay, 1 Tidmoor, The Fleet
Curlew - 106 Brands Bay
Black-tailed Godwit - 107 Brands Bay
Sanderling - 3 Ferrybridge, 1 Stanpit marsh
Spoonbill - 2 again Brownsea Lagoon, 1 over Christchurch Harbour
Cattle Egret - 1 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Great White Egret - 1 River Frome, Woodsford
Red Kite - 1 over Swanage, 1 over Hartland Moor
White-tailed Eagle - 2 again Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 over Hartland Moor
Grasshopper Warbler - 18 ringed at Carey's Secret Garden
Dartford Warbler - 2 Silverlake
Spotted Flycatcher - 2 Morden Bog

Red Kite, Colehill © Ann Baldwin

Spotted Flycatcher, Morden Bog © Phil Cheeseman

Swallow, Holes Bay © Tina Dawkins