Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 1 Ferrybridge
Goosander - 2 Littlesea (on the Fleet)
Knot - 3 Middlebere, 1 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Sanderling - 1 Ferrybridge
Golden Plover - 32 Lodmoor RSPB
Curlew Sandpiper - 1 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Green Sandpiper - 2 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Spotted Redshank - 3 Middlebere
Greenshank - 19 Lytchett Fields RSPB, 10 Brand's Bay
Grey Phalarope - 1 on sea off Chesil Beach but flew west this afternoon
Spoonbill - 1 Holes Bay
Great White Egret - 7 Holes Bay, 4 Lodmoor RSPB, 4 over Christchurch Harbour
Red Kite - 2 Holywell, 1 Rodden Hive
Merlin - 1 Rodden Hive
Hobby - 1 Holes Bay
Woodlark - 1 Hartland Moor
Redwing - 5 Littlesea (The Fleet), 2 over Christchurch Harbour. Also heard and seen over Poole Harbour.
Ring Ouzel - 9+ Thumb Lane/Coombefield (Portland), 2 Christchurch harbour, 1 PBO early morning
Whinchat - 1 St Aldhelm's Head
Firecrest - 1 Holes Bay on cycleway
Lesser Redpoll - 14 over Christchurch Harbour, 1 Littlesea (The Fleet), 1 over Hartland Moor
Black-tailed Godwits, Hengistbury Head © Clinton Whale
Stonechat, Hengistbury Head © Clinton Whale