Brent Goose - 28 Stanpit Marsh, 10 Brands Bay
Common Scoter - 1 Brands Bay
Red-beasted Merganser - 12 Brands Bay
Black-necked Grebe - 1 North Lake, Longham Lakes, 1 Middle Beach, Studland, 1 Brands Bay
Avocet - 2 Brands Bay
Grey Plover - 9 Brands Bay
Knot 14 Brands Bay
Spotted Redshank juv - 1 still Lytchett Fields
Sandwich Tern - 1 Brands Bay
Red-throated Diver - 1 Middle Beach, Studland
Great Northern Diver - 1 Ferrybridge
Great White Egret - 5 Longham Lakes
Marsh Harrier - 7 Frome & Piddle River Mouths
Hen Harrier - 1 Frome & Piddle River Mouths
Short-eared Owl - 1 Frome & Piddle River Mouths
Hoopoe - 1 past Golf Driving Range, Wick
Merlin - 1 Frome & Piddle River Mouths
Swallow - 1 Middle Beach, Studland
Dartford Warbler - 1 still Old Tip Bank, Lodmoor RSPB, 1 Old Harry Rocks to Glebeland
Firecrest - 1 Parkstone Heights Woods, 2 Ballard Down
Whinchat - 1 Car Park Pools, Ferrybridge
Wheatear - 1 Old Harry Rocks to Glebeland
Lesser Redpoll -14 Old Harry Rocks to Glebeland
Crossbill - 5 Old Harry Rocks to Glebeland
Brent Goose juv, Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale
Cattle Egret, Holmebridge © Clive Hargrave