Saturday 15th March 2025

Lesser Scaup - 1 male Longham Lakes
Common Scoter - 10 Portland Bill
Red-throated Diver - 1 passed Portland Bill
Glossy Ibis - 1 Abbotsbury (Sub-tropical Gardens)
Spoonbill - 1 Swineham (on Stilt Pools), 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Red Kite - 1 over the Lower Frome meadows,
White-tailed Eagle - 4 over the Wareham Channel, 1 over Bovington.
Osprey - 1 north over Bourton
Little Ringed Plover - 3 Lower Piddle Meadows, 1 Todber, 1 Swineham (south of GP)
Purple Sandpiper - 13+ Chewton Bunny, 6 Portland Bill
Green Sandpiper - 1 Holmbridge
Water Pipit -2 Swineham GP.
White Wagtail - 1 Portland Bill 
Fieldfare - c25 Long Crichel
Northern Wheatear - 11 Portland Bill, 3 Reap Lane Portland, 2 Ferrybridge

Little Ringed Plover - Todber © John Howell