Barnacle Goose - 7 Woodsford GP
Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 1 Rodden Hive
Whooper Swan - 1 wild bird at Abbotsbury (NB Swannery closed for winter so best viewed from New Barn Rd)
LESSER SCAUP - 1 still at Longham Lakes on South Lake
Pale-bellied Brent Goose - 1 Rodden Hive
Whooper Swan - 1 wild bird at Abbotsbury (NB Swannery closed for winter so best viewed from New Barn Rd)
LESSER SCAUP - 1 still at Longham Lakes on South Lake
Long-tailed Duck - 2 Abbotsbury Swannery, 1 flew through Poole Harbour entrance, 1 Jerry's Point
Slavonian Grebe - 8 East Fleet (6 on The Fleet, 2 offshore) , 3 Brand's Bay
Slavonian Grebe - 8 East Fleet (6 on The Fleet, 2 offshore) , 3 Brand's Bay
Black-necked Grebe - 2 Jerry's Point, 2 Studland Bay from Middle Beach, 1 offshore at East Fleet
Sanderling -11 North Haven
Purple Sandpiper - 3 Hengistbury Head
Black-throated Diver - 1 offshore at East Fleet
Red-throated Diver - 8 Durlston Head
Red-throated Diver - 8 Durlston Head
Great Northern Diver - 4 East Fleet, 1 North Haven
Glossy Ibis - 1 again at Lodmoor RSPB this morning, later along Fleet Lane, Chickerell
Glossy Ibis - 1 again at Lodmoor RSPB this morning, later along Fleet Lane, Chickerell
Spoonbill - 20 Shipstal Point (Arne RSPB), 3 Jerry's Point, 1 Brand's Bay
Great White Egret - 1 Wimborne St Giles
Cattle Egret - 1 along Corfe to Middlebere road with Highland cattle
Merlin - 1 North Haven
Short-eared Owl - 1 Abbotsbury Hill
Firecrest - 1 Norden STW
Cattle Egret - 1 along Corfe to Middlebere road with Highland cattle
Merlin - 1 North Haven
Short-eared Owl - 1 Abbotsbury Hill
Firecrest - 1 Norden STW
Black Redstart - 1 Bridging Camp, 1 Chesil Cove
Snow Bunting - 1 male still at Hamworthy Beach by playground
Snow Bunting - 1 male still at Hamworthy Beach by playground