Short-billed Dowitcher - 1, Lodmoor
Knot - 30, Stanpit
Curlew Sandpiper - 1, Stanpit
Osprey - 1, Morden Bog
Great Spotted Woodpecker - notable count of 4 as part of visible migration at East Bexington
Swallow - 2400 estimated Hengistbury; 1000+ East Bexington
House Martin - 3000 estimated Hengistbury; 1000+ East Bexington
Sand Martin - 210 estimated Hengistbury
Woodlark - 1, Hengistbury
Meadow Pipit - 1350 estimated Hengistbury; 3000+ East Bexington
Tree Pipit - 8, Portland; 6 Hengistbury; 5 East Bexington
Firecrest - 1, Rushcombe Bottom
Redstart - 1, Morden Bog; 2 Hengistbury
Whinchat - 2, Morden Bog; 4 Hengistbury; 2 West Bexington
Stonechat - notable count of 50 at Hengistbury (Barn Field)
Bearded Tit - 8, Lodmoor
Redpoll - 2, Portland (first of autumn there)
Whinchat, Morden Bog. Copyright Dave Easton |