Sunday 19th May 2024

Brent Goose - 1 Durlston Head flying East
Ringed Plover - 9 Frenches Pools Lytchett Fields RSPB
Knot - 1 Ferrybridge, 1 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Roseate Tern - 1 On Brownsea Lagoon DWT and feeding in Bramble Bush Bay Studland
Spoonbill - 1 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Osprey - 1 over Broadwey & drifted West
Honey Buzzard - 1 Over Church Knowle  & flew East
Red Kite - 85+ over West Bay, single flock of 22 over Rodden Hive, 11 Rempstone Heath, 5 Dorchester, 3 Holt Cemetery, 2 Corfe Castle, 2 Charlton Down
White tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel from BoPH safari cruise
Wheatear - 1 Ferrybridge, 1 Maiden Castle
Crossbill - 2 Brownsea Island NT

Wheatear - Ferrybridge © Mark Wright