Barnacle Goose - flock of 12 Arne, later joined by another making 13 at Swineham GP.
Velvet Scoter - 1 Poole Harbour.
Spoonbill - 41 Arne Bay.
Marsh Harrier - 1 Christchurch Harbour, 1 Poole Harbour.
Hen Harrier - 1 Rushcombe Bottom LNR.
Merlin - 1 East Weares.
Great Skua - 1 Hengistbury Head.
Grey Plover - a one-footed bird at Ferrybridge, 6 Stanpit.
Knot - 1 Stanpit.
Ruff - 1 Swineham GP.
Spotted Redshank - 1 Stanpit.
Woodpigeon - c.3500 Arne, 2500 Christchurch Harbour, c. 200 Durlston NR, 3965 RSPB Lytchett Fields, c.300 Rushcombe Bottom LNR.
Swallow - 6 Ballard Down, 30+ Durlston NR, 2 Hengistbury Head.
House Martin - 5 Durlston NR.
Sand Martin - 1+ Durlston NR.
Yellow-Browed Warbler - 1 Bumpers Lane, Portland.
Firecrest - c.8 Hengistbury Head, 1 Longham Lakes, 1 Rushcombe Bottom LNR.
Redpoll - 106 Hengistbury Head.
Bullfinch - 87 Ballard Down and widely reported elsewhere.
Hawfinch - 4 Ballard Down, 2 Culverwell, 1 heard over Poole at night.