There was a steady passage of common migrants at the coast today with impressive totals of migrants particularly from Hengistbury and Portland.
Scaup - 6, Abbotsbury
Goosander - 3, Lower Avon Valley
Black-throated Diver - 1, Weymouth Bay (off Lodmoor)
Red Kite - 1, West Compton
Long-billed Dowitcher - 1, Lodmoor
Kingfisher - a pair have been busy nest building at Radipole, see the RSPB blog for details
Waxwing - 50, Bournemouth Gardens
Black Redstart - 1, Hengistbury
Wheatear - an impressive 66, Hengistbury and 75 at Portland
Ring Ouzel - 1, Portland
Firecrest - 4 Portland
Great Grey Shrike - 1, Godlingston Heath