Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Black-necked Grebe - 1 Wareham Channel
Balearic Shearwater - c400 Portland Bill
Cattle Egret - 10 Salt Hurns Christchurch Hbr.
Great White Egret - Salt Hurns before heading north
Spoonbill - 40 Brownsea Lagoon 
White-tailed Eagle - 1 Wareham Channel
Osprey - up to 6 Poole Harbour (3/4 Middlebere, 3 Lytchett Bay), 2 out to sea Portland Bill, 1 flew west off shore West Bay
Little Stint - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Curlew Sandpiper - 1 Brownsea Lagoon, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Common Sandpiper - 6 Lodmoor RSPB, 3 Stanpit Marsh, 2 Brand's Bay
Green Sandpiper - 1 Stanpit Marsh
Spotted Redshank - 2 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Greenshank - 8 Brownsea Lagoon, 2 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Brand's Bay
Little Tern - 1 Wareham Channel off Giggers Island
Wryneck - 1 Coombe Valley Road Overcombe
Woodlark - 4 Soldier Road Stud
Spotted Flycatcher - 4 Portland Bill, 3 behind Currys Poole, 2 Hengistbury Hd, 2 Holes Bay, 1 Studland
Pied Flycatcher - 2 Hengistbury Hd. 1 Culverwell

Wryneck Coombe Valley Road © Daragh Croxson

Curlew Sandpiper - Brownsea Lagoon © Clive Hargrave

White-tailed Eagle - Wareham Channel © Gary Holderness

Spoonbill - over Brownsea © Clive Hargrave