Wednesday 26th June 2024

Balearic Shearwater - 20+ past Portland Bill
Great White Egret - 2 seen flying down the Piddle Valley toward Poole Hbr.
White-tailed Eagle - 2 in the Wareham Channel
Osprey - (022) Seen several times over the Wareham Channel
Little Ringed Plover - 2 Holme GP, 1 Swineham Stilt Pools.
Common Sandpiper - 2 edge Wareham Chennel
Green Sandpiper - 2 Holme GP.
Greenshank - 1 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Arctic Skua - 1 past Portland Bill
Little Tern - 1 over Arne Bay 

Sandwich Tern - Poole Harbour © Nick Hull