Monday 4th December 2023

Pintail - 108 Holes Bay (NW sector)
Scaup - 2 Abbotsbury Swannery (Swannery is closed for the winter so view only from public rights of way)
Long-tailed Duck - 1 off Redhorn Quay
Slavonian Grebe - 1 Portland Harbour from Billy Winters
Black-necked Grebe - 1 Portland Harbour
Greenshank - 3 Brownsea Lagoon
Little Gull - 1 Bramble Bush Bay, 1 Lytchett Bay
Great Northern Diver - 3 Poole Harbour ( 2 in Wareham Channel, 1 off Baiter), 2 Portland Harbour
Red-throated Diver - 3 Hengistbury
Wigeon, Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale