Red-crested Pochard - drake on Swineham GP
Quail - 1 still calling near Sixpenny Handley
Balearic Shearwater - 3 past Portland Bill
Storm Petrel - 7+ lingering off Hengistbury Head with a further 8 passing west off the beach huts, 1 past Durlston
Red Kite - 1 near Fontmell Down
Marsh Harrier - 2 at Radipole Lake, 1 at Middlebere
Pomarine Skua - 2 past Portland Bill
Arctic Skua - 6 past Portland Bill, 1 past Durlston
Great Skua - 3 past Portland Bill
Arctic Tern - 1 still in the tern colony at Lodmoor
Savi's Warbler - 1 still singing at the northern end of Beachdown Way, Lodmoor