Wednesday 31st July 2024

Avocet - 4 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Grey Plover - 3 Brownsea Lagoon DWT, 1 in summer plumage
Little Ringed Plover - 4 The Hump, Lodmoor RSPB
Whimbrel - 2 Holes Bay, 1 Silverlake, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Black-tailed Godwit - 315 Holes Bay
Knot - 2 Brownsea Lagoon DWT, 1 Ferrybridge
Dunlin - 259 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Common Sandpiper - 7 Silverlake, 2 Lodmoor RSPB
Green Sandpiper - 4 Lodmoor RSPB, 3 Silverlake
Redshank - 181 Holes Bay, 98 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Greenshank - 13 Silverlake, 9 Brownsea Lagoon DWT, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Spoonbill - 13 Brownsea Lagoon DWT, 10 Poole Harbour, 7 Middlebere
Osprey - 1 Alderholt, 1 Holes Bay

Yellowhammer, Morden Bog © Phil Cheeseman

Dartford Warbler, Morden Bog © Phil Cheeseman

Little Gull, Hengistbury Head © David Wareham

Tuesday 30th July 2024

Greylag Goose - 108 East Lake, Silverlake
Grey Plover - 1 Brands Bay
Little Ringed Plover - 1 still Tidmoor, The Fleet
Whimbrel - 6 Brands Bay, 3 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Middlebere
Bar-tailed Godwit - 14 Brands Bay
Snipe - 1 Tidmoor, The Fleet - first Autumn arrival
Common Sandpiper - 1 Lodmoor RSPB, 3 Middle Lake & 1 East Lake, Silverlake
Green Sandpiper - 2 Middlebere
Sooty Shearwater - 1 past Portland Bill
Balearic Shearwater - 2 still off Portland Bill
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere
Great White Egret - 3 Lodmmor RSPB
Osprey - 1f Middlebere
Goshawk - 1f Middlebere
Hobby - 1 over Wick, Christchurch Harbour
Coal Tit - flock of 20 over Stanpit Marsh
Sand Martin - 95 over Stanpit Marsh
Spotted Redshank - 6 Middlebere
Greenshank - 1 Middlebere
Wheatear - 1 Nine Barrow Down, Corfe Castle
Yellow Wagtail - 2 over Stanpit Marsh

Kestrel, Portland © Lynne Ruddick

Grey Heron, Queens Park Pond, Bournemouth © Roy Wilson

Little Grebe, Hengistbury Head © David Wareham

Monday 29th July 2024

Avocet - 3 Brownsea Lagoon
Grey Plover - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Ringed Plover - 38 Ferrybridge
Little Ringed Plover - 3 Tidmoor, The Fleet
Whimbrel - 4 Brands Bay, 1 Tidmoor, The Fleet
Curlew - 106 Brands Bay
Black-tailed Godwit - 107 Brands Bay
Sanderling - 3 Ferrybridge, 1 Stanpit marsh
Spoonbill - 2 again Brownsea Lagoon, 1 over Christchurch Harbour
Cattle Egret - 1 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Great White Egret - 1 River Frome, Woodsford
Red Kite - 1 over Swanage, 1 over Hartland Moor
White-tailed Eagle - 2 again Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 over Hartland Moor
Grasshopper Warbler - 18 ringed at Carey's Secret Garden
Dartford Warbler - 2 Silverlake
Spotted Flycatcher - 2 Morden Bog

Red Kite, Colehill © Ann Baldwin

Spotted Flycatcher, Morden Bog © Phil Cheeseman

Swallow, Holes Bay © Tina Dawkins


Sunday 28th July 2024

Golden Pheasant - 1 Furzey Island Slipway Poole Harbour
Ringed Plover - 43 Ferrybridge
Whimbrel - 5 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Middlebere, 1 Ferrybridge
Knot - 1 in Summer Plumage Ferrybridge
Sanderling - 5 Ferrybridge
Common Sandpiper - 1 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Green Sandpipe, 5 Middlebere, 3 BoPH Summer Safari Cruise, 3 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Spotted Redshank - 2 Middlebere Channel
Greenshank - 5 Lytchett Fields RSPB, 1 Middlebere Channel
Yellow legged Gull - 1 Middlebere Channel, 1 Stilt Pools Swineham
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere Channel
Cattle Egret - 2 Stilt Pools Swineham
Great White Egret - 3 Lodmoor RSPB, 1 Christchurch Harbour, 1 Middlebere Channel
Osprey - 1 Middlebere male 022, 1 BoPH Summer Safari Cruise female CJ7
Goshawk - 1 male Hartland Moor, 1 female Middlebere, 1 BoPH Summer Safari Cruise
Red Kite - 1 over Bridport
White tailed Eagle - 2 BoPH Summer Safari Cruise
Common Redstart - 1 Cogden
Wheatear - 1 Hartland Moor, 1 Ferrybridge
Yellow Wagtail - 1 Stanpit Marsh

Great White Egret - Lodmoor RSPB © Rebecca Porter

Wheatear - Hartland Moor ©  Garry Hayman

Saturday 27th August 2024

Ringed Plover - 21 Ferrybridge
Whimbrel - 7 Stanpit Marsh, 4 Brands Bay
Bar tailed Godwit - 1 Brads Bay
Knot - 1 still ay Ferrybridge
Sanderling - 3 Ferrybridge
Common Sandpiper - 2 Stanpit Marsh
Green Sandpiper - 2 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Silverlake
Yellow legged Gull - 1 Holme Lane GP
Roseate Turn - 1 Brownsea Island Lagoon DWT
Cattle Egret - 1 Flew North over Portland Bill 
Spoonbill - 2 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Osprey - 1 at about 2.30pm in Christchurch Harbour
Sparrowhawk - 1 Poundbury
Marsh Harrier - 1 Flew North over Portland Bill
Sedge Warbler- 40 Carey Secret Garden ringing session
Grasshopper Warbler - 12 Carey Secret Garden ringing session
Pied Flycatcher - 1 Carey Secret Garden ringing session

Sedge Warbler - Stanpit Marsh ©  Scott Usher

Common Sandpiper - Stanpit Marsh ©  Scott Usher


Friday 26th July 2024

Oystercatcher - 300 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Ringed Plover - 21 Ferrybridge, 1 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Little Ringed Plover - 1 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Whimbrel - 5 Stanpit Marsh, 3 Brands Bay
Knot - 1 Ferrybridge in summer plumage
Common Sandpiper - 1 eastern side of Silverlake 
Greenshank - 2 Brownsea Lagoon DWT, 1 Brands Bay, 1 Stanpit Marsh
Yellow legged Gull - 10 Stilt Pools Swineham, 1 juv Stanpit Marsh
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere
Great White Egret - 1 Middlebere
Osprey - 1 Middlebere seen from Coombe Heath Arne RSPB, 1 Flying over Goathorn towards Ower Quay
Peregrine Falcon - 2 Flying over Wareham
Marsh Tit - 1 Cranborne
Grasshopper warbler - 2 Durlston CP
Yellow wagtail - 4 Stanpit Marsh

Dunlin - Brands Bay ©  Garry Hayman

Thursday 25th July 2024

Grey Plover - 2 Brownsea Island Lagoon DWT
Ringed Plover - 40 Ferrybridge, 10 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Sanderling - 4 Ferrybridge
Common Sandpiper - 2 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Green Sand Piper - 1 Middlebere
Spotted Redshank - 3 Middlebere, 3 BoPH safari cruise
Greenshank - 7 Lychett Fields RSPB, 4 Middlebere, 3 BoPH safari Cruise, 1 Brownsea Lagoon DWT
Arctic Skua - 1 Ferrybridge
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere, 3 Bownsea Lagoon DWT
Short eared Owl - 1 West Bexington

juv Robin - Merley © Roger P

Greenfinch - Stanpit Mash © Clinton Whale

Linnet - Merley © Roger P 

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Bittern - 1 seen in flight Arne Moors flying to Swineham  GP.
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Osprey - 1 Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Common Sandpiper - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Yellow-legged Gull - 3 Swineham on the Stilt Pools
Grasshopper Warbler - 1 Portland Bill (1st of autumn)

Black-headed Gull & Common Tern Longham Lakes © Ron Poulter

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Spoonbill - 2 Middlebere
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Whimbrel - 14 Brand's Bay,  2 Stanpit Marsh
Common Sandpiper - 1 Holes Bay
Spotted Redshank - 5 Middlebere
Greenshank - 11 Lytchett Bay from RLVP.
Swallow/Sand martin - c100 Hengistbury HHC.

Lapwing - Stanpit Marsh Clinton Whale

Whimbrel - Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale

Light morph Buzzard - North Dorset © Ian Denton

Monday 22nd July 2024

Little Egret - 68 Holes Bay
White-tailed Eagle - 1 over Poole Hbr.
Osprey - 1 Poole Hbr.
Whimbrel - 14 Brand's Bay, 1 Holes Bay, 1 Lytchett Bay
Roseate Tern - 1 west off Hengistbury Hd
Barn Owl - 1 Upton CP SANG
Nightjar - 2 Upton CP SANG
Whinchat - 1pos 2 juv  Lyscombe DWT
Spotted Flycatcher - 10 Thorncombe Wood

Stock Dove - Upton CP. © Clive Hargrave

Sunday 21st July 2024

Spoonbill - 1 Middlebere
Osprey - 1 Poole Hbr
Hobby - 1 Carey
Grey Plover - 2 Brownsea lagoon
Sanderling - 2 West Bexington
Snipe - 1 Longham Lakes
Whimbrel - 5 Brand's Bay, 2 Stanpit Marsh
Common Sandpiper - 3 Brownsea lagoon, 2 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Longham Lakes
Spotted Redshank - 5 Middlebere
Greenshank - 8 Brownsea lagoon
Little Gull - 1 Stanpit Marsh (On East Marsh)
Yellow-legged Gull 2juv West Bexington
Whinchat - 1 West Bexington

Saturday 20th July 2024

Green Sandpiper - 1 Brand's Bay
Spotted Redshank - 5 Middlebere
Greenshank - 1 Wick
Whimbrel - 6 Brand's Bay, 2 Middlebere, 1 Stanpit, 1 Holes Bay
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere
Osprey - 1 Middlebere (022)
Red Kite - 1 Durlston CP

Spoonbill, Middlebere © Garry Hayman

Nightjar, in a Corfe Mullen garden yesterday © Alan Williams

Whimbrel, Brand's Bay © Garry Hayman

Grey Heron, Brand's Bay © Garry Hayman


Yellowhammer, yesterday at Bincombe © Jill Franks


Friday 19th July 2024

Grey Plover - 2 Brownsea Island
Common Sandpiper - 2 Brownsea Island
Spotted Redshank - 5 Middlebere
Greenshank - 1 Brownsea Island
Osprey - 1 Stanpit

Jay, Bournemouth © David Wareham

Thursday 18th July 2024

Whimbrel - 5 Stanpit
Common Sandpiper - 4 Peveril Point, 2 Silverlake, 1 Stanpit
Green Sandpiper - 1 Silverlake
Roseate Tern - 2 Ferrybridge

Tufted Duck, Poole Park © Clinton Whale


Wednesday 17th July 2024

Sanderling - 1 Stanpit Marsh
Common Sandpiper - 1 Silverlake, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Greenshank - 2 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Lodmoor RSPB
Red Kite - 2 Hardy's Monument
Redstart - a juvenile trapped & ringed at Hengistbury
Yellow Wagtail - 2 Stanpit Marsh

Tuesday 16th July 2024

Cuckoo - 1 juv being fed by Meadow Pipit, Arne.
Avocet - 3 Brownsea Island.
Whimbrel - 2 Wareham Channel, 1 Hengistbury Head.
Spotted Redshank - 6 Arne.
Greenshank - 10 Wareham Channel, 2 Stanpit.
Spoonbill - 2 Arne.
White-tailed Eagle - 1 Arne.
Marsh Harrier - 1 Wareham Common.
Spotted Flycatcher - 4+ Wareham Common, 1 Arne.

Whimbrel, Hengistbury Head © Clinton Whale

Monday 15th July 2024

Little Ringed Plover - 1 Lytchett Fields.
Whimbrel - 2 Studland (Bramble Bush Bay).
Spotted Redshank - 5 Middlebere.
Greenshank - 3 Lytchett Fields.
Common Sandpiper - 4 Studland (Bramble Bush Bay), 1 Lytchett Fields, 1 Middlebere.
Sanderling - 2 Ferrybridge.
Yellow-legged Gull - 8+ Portland Bill.
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere.
Osprey - 1 Arne (Hyde's Heath).
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel.

Sunday 14th July 2024

Little Ringed Plover - 1 Swineham.
Whimbrel - 2 Stanpit.
Greenshank - 1 Brownsea Island.
Common Sandpiper - 1 Stanpit.
Great White Egret - 1 Radipole Lake.
Osprey - 2 Poole Harbour.
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Arne RSPB.
Goshawk - 1 Arne (Hyde's Heath).
Hobby - 1 Arne (Hyde's Heath).
Common Redstart - 1 juv west Poole Harbour.
Dartford Warbler - 1 juv Durlston CP is unusual at the site.

Shelduck juveniles, Hengistbury Head © Clinton Whale

Peregrine, Bournemouth town centre © David Wareham

Saturday 13th July 2024

Cuckoo - 1 Herbury Gore, 1 Lodmoor, 1 Middlebere.
Whimbrel - 2 Ferrybridge.
Greenshank - 1 Lodmoor, 2 Middlebere, 1 Rodden Hive.
Spotted Redshank - 6 Middlebere.
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere.
Osprey - 1 Middlebere.
Ring-necked Parakeet - 1 New Swanage.

Black-headed Gulls, Stanpit © Clinton Whale

Friday 12th July 2024

Avocet - 3 Brownsea Lagoon
Little Ringed Plover - 1 juv. Silverlake
Whimbrel - 2 Stanpit Marsh
Curlew - 2 Stanpit Marsh
Greenshank - 1 Silverlake
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Spoonbill - 3 Middlebere
Great White Egret - 1 over Arne Moors
Lesser Whitethroat - 1 Crouch Hill

Yesterday: -

Yellow-legged Gull - 2 off Portland Bill

Grey Wagtail, Iford Bridge, Christchurch © Clinton Whale
Common Sandpiper, Poole © Tony Furnell
Yellowhammer, Tadnoll & Winfrith DWT © Phil Cheeseman

Thursday 11th July 2024

Whimbrel - 4 Stanpit Marsh, 1 Holes Bay, 1 still Brands Bay, 1 Tidmoor
Curlew - 58 Brands Bay, 25 Holes Bay
Common Sandpiper - 9 still Brands Bay, 1 Silverlake
Green Sandpiper - 2 Silverlake
Redshank - 101 Holes Bay
Yellow-legged Gull - 4 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Osprey - 1 Middlebere
Honey Buzzard - 1 over Wick, Hengistbury Head
White-tailled Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 Silverlake, 1 Wareham Common
Treecreeper - 1 Tidmoor, The Fleet

Yesterday: -

Arctic Skua - 1 off Portland Bill
Puffin - 2 off Portland Bill

Goldfinch, Lytchett Matravers © John Child

Dartford Warbler, Tadnoll & Winfrith DWT © Phil Cheeseman

Redshank, Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale

Wednesday 10th July 2024

Cuckoo - 1 juv. Hyde Heath
Avocet - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Little Ringed Plover - 4 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Black-tailed Godwit - c500 Wareham Channel
Sanderling - 1 Brownsea Lagoon
Common Sandpiper - 8 at mouth of River Frome, 7 Brownsea Lagoon, 4 Holes Bay, 3 Ferrybridge
Spotted Redshank - 5 at mouth of River Frome
Greenshank - 6 Lytchett Bay, 2 Brownsea Lagoon
Roseate Tern - 1 out from Poole Harbour mouth
Yellow-legged Gull - 3 Stilt Pools, Swineham
Spoonbill - 5 Arne RSPB
Osprey - 1 Wareham Channel
Hobby - 1 over Charlton Down

Black-tailed Godwits, Lodmoor RSPB  © John Pritchard

Greenshank, Lodmoor RSPB © Phil Cheeseman

Oystercatcher, Holes Bay © Tina Dawkins


Tuesday 9th July 2024

Eider -1 Hengistbury Head
Common Scoter - 32 off Hengistbury Head
Little Ringed Plover - 1 Lytchett Bay
Whimbrel - 2 Ferrybridge, 1 Brands Bay
Knot - 1 Ferrybridge
Common Sandpiper - 9 Brands Bay, 2 Ferrybridge
Redshank - 171 Lytchett Bay, 31 Brands Bay
Spotted Redshank - 1 still Middlebere
Greenshank - 3 Lytchett Bay
Little Tern - 4 off Hengistbury Head
Storm Petrel - 1 Hengistbury Head
Balearic Shearwater - 1 off Portland Bill
Spoonbill - 2 still Middlebere
Great White Egret - 1 on pool Hartland Moor
Osprey - 1 from Middlebere
White-tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel

Curlew, Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale


Monday 8th July 2024

Garganey - 1 Ridipole RSPB
Little Ringed Plover - 5 Stilt Pool Swineham, 4 Silverlake
Common Sandpiper - 3 Ferrybridge, 2 Silverlake, 1 Swineham GP , 1 Peveril Point
Green Sandpiper - 1 Middlebere
Wood Sandpiper - 1 Abbotsbury Swannery flew East down the Fleet
Yellow legged Gull - 2 Stilt Pool Swineham
Roseate Tern - 3 Abbotsbury Swannery
Arctic Tern - 1 Abbotsbury Swannery
Great Northern Diver - 1 Ferrybridge
Spoonbill - 2 still at Middlebere from NT hide
Great White Egret - 1 Silverlake
Osprey - 1 Middlebere NT hide 

Great Crested Grebe - Creekmoor Lake ©  Clinton Whale

Sunday 7th July 2024

Eider - 1 Mudeford Quay
Common Scoter - 6 off Mudeford Quay going West
Little Ringed Plover - 2 Silverlake
Whimbrel - 2 Ferrybridge
Bar-tailed Godwits - 7 Ferrybridge
Little Tern - 8 Mudeford Quay
Roseate Tern - 1 Abbotsbury Swannery
Great White Egret - 4 Arne Moors RSPB, 1 Silverlake
Peregrine Falcon - 2 Silverlake, 1 Standpit Marsh

Great Black Backed Gull - Stanpit Marsh © Clinton Whale

Wood Duck - Creekmoor Lake © Robert Fielding

Saturday 6th July 2024

Swift - 200 Longham Lakes
Common Sandpiper -  30 Abbotsbury swannery, 20 Ferrybridge, 1 Lodmoor RSPB, 1 Longham Lakes
Roseate Tern - 1 Abbotsbury Swannery still
Spoonbill - 2 Middlebere Channel
Marsh Harrier - 1 Holme Lane GP
White tailed Eagle - 1 Lytchett Bay Otter IslandHobby - 1 Longham Lakes, 1 Holme Lane GP

Other news: Wood duck - 1 Creekmoor Pond

Yesterday: 3 Balearic Shearwater, 1 Arctic Skua and 1 Pomarine Skua off Portland Bill

Bridled Guillemot - Durlston CP © Garry Hayman

Juv Peregrine Falcon - Corfe Castle © Garry Hayman

Thursday 5th July 2024

Little Ringed Plover - 3 Stilt Pool Swineham
Whimbrel - 1 Brands Bay
Curlew - 71 Brands Bay
Greenshank - 3 Lytchett Fields RSPB
Roseate Tern- 3 Abbotsbury Swannery on the rails
White tailed Eagle - 2 Wareham Channel
Spotted Flycatcher - 1 Wareham Common

Grey Heron - Lodmoor RSPB © Clinton Whale

Thursday 4th July 2024

Little Ringed Plover - 2 Silverlake, 3 Stilt Pool Swineham
Whimbrel - 1 Brands Bay
Curlew - 9 Holes Bay, 55 Brands Bay
 Black-tailed Godwit - Holes Bay
Common Sandpiper - 1 Peveril Point Swanage
Green Sandpiper - 2 Lodmoor
Redshank - 14 Holes Bay, 4 Brands Bay
Greenshank - 1 Silverlake
Great White Egret - 2 Lodmoor, 1 Radipole RSPB, 3 Silverlake
White-tailed Eagle - 1 Coombe Heath

2 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, Lodmoor  © Clinton Whale